Friday, February 17, 2012

Pictures from Cycle 1

I finally got around to uploading and resizing pictures. We had a GREAT 1st Cycle even though we were there for 6 days. Mallory did AMAZING, I was so pleased with all the nurses this time. They helped me through the night so that I did not have to get up with her every 2 hours to change her diaper. Jillian came to visit as well, she did AWESOME this time. I missed her like crazy so it was nice to see her bright smiling face.

We have to change her diapers with gloves on because of the chemotherapy.

Mallory and Jillian recieved bears for smiles. They send these to families who are battling cancer, and the GIRLS LOVED THEM (GO HERE for more information)


They spoiled the kids by bringing in puppy's! HOW FUN!

I love my bald kiddy, she's AMAZING! 
Poor girl had to be hooked up to so many stinking wires the whole time!

We bring pictures with us every time we are up at the hospital. This time I had her "Cancer, I'm gonna squash you like a bug" picture up. Everyone LOVED it and couldn't believe it was actually Mallory!