Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life did NOT give us Lemons.

I am having an all around rough day (I did have 3 AMAZING visitors). I am laughing, then crying, then laughing then crying and so forth and on and on all day long. We are being discharged tomorrow which should be GREAT news but we have hardly any information. My heart aches. I just want to know exactly what is wrong with my baby and how are we are going to deal with this.

The not knowing part sucks.
Cancer Sucks.

We have to come back thursday and friday to finish up some of the last tests. Then hopefully they will give us the answers sometime next week.

I can barely breathe anymore. I am putting on a brave face (which includes a lot of makeup to cover up the huge ugly bags under my eyes, and I will possibly need to start dying my hair since I can feel the grays starting to show).

I hate this.
I hate this.
I hate this.

I need visitors this week, I will need them for months, I need you guys. So please come keep me company. I need you. Thanks to everyone so far, you have touched our hearts, you have kept us going.



  1. Remember to lean on those around you. Mallory will need you more now then ever. Stay strong, but if you feel weakness coming on, call someone, anyone, including me. I am right around the corner and can be there in a heartbeat. Do not try to take this on alone while Ryan is working. your support system is still going strong. Im sending you some strength and lots of hugs

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I am sending prayers Mallory's way and your way all the way from Germany. My husband is in the Army and we are stationed here. We went to high school with Kayla Clark and heard about this from her. I wish I could go to the photo shoot Hubbel Photography is doing just to donate. Hope everything goes well for Mallory and I will continue to pray for her and you all <3

    Jessica Groeneveld
